Introduction to the programme & FREE white paper

Completing this programme will enable you to design and implement fresh, effective approaches to performance management in organisations. It is not a 'one size fits all' methodology. There are no right or wrong answers, there are choices.

This programme will equip you to make the choices based on the circumstances, strategies and plans of the organisation. In one organisation you might recommend a tight format of 6 SMART goals per person with 3 review conversations a year. In another organisation you might suggest a development led-approach using Core Themes, coaching behaviours and reward for skills.

The tools and techniques are widely applicable, and will increase your employability and your value to an organisation. No matter what happens, organisations need to manage and improve performance. Whether you are supporting a structure of self-managed teams, or a centrally driven command and control management style, mastery of this material will enable you to design and implement an approach to managing performance that will deliver benefits to your organisation - and so of course - to you.

This white paper below summarises much of the academic research and case study evidence for what works in performance management.

We will review some of the key points - particularly the findings from the Michael West research in the NHS - during the live webinars.

3c White Paper Performance Management - Turning Strategy into Action Feb 2018 (email.web).pdf
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